The Power of Laravel for Your Next Web and Application Development

Everyone loves visually appealing websites, but do you know what is required to build them? A robust and scalable framework! We understand how challenging it is to choose the best framework for your web development project during the initial phase.

Various questions will pop into your mind, such as which framework I should use. Which features the chosen framework should be included? Should my chosen framework have good documentation and support?

However, don’t worry! This blog will help you to get all your answers.

Although the web development industry is constantly evolving, Laravel is one such framework that is widely accepted by everyone.


This is because Laravel is feature-rich with simple syntax and a blooming community. That’s why most people prefer Laravel application development to build cost-effective and highly scalable websites and apps for business owners.

This article will walk you through why Laravel web application development is the preferred framework choice in the business world.

PHP Laravel Framework Is The New Norm Among Developers

Many frameworks are available in the industry right now, but Laravel has some stand-out features that make this framework extra special.

Sounds unbelievable, right?

But it’s a truth.

There are 27,696,147 websites currently live on the internet that PHP powers.

From this stat, you can imagine how beneficial it would be to choose a PHP framework for your next web application project.

Among all frameworks, the Laravel framework comes with multiple built-in libraries and features.

However, before diving deep into these features, let us first understand what Laravel is and some key facts.

What is Laravel?

It is an open-source PHP framework. Laravel framework was created by Taylor Otwell in 2011. The framework has gained popularity because of its simple syntax, flexibility, and developer-friendly approach.

Laravel works on MVC architecture and uses PHP to provide us with various tools and feature-rich functionalities to build cutting-edge web applications. The framework is user-friendly and can seamlessly integrate with third-party libraries and services.

Laravel – Key Facts

  • There are almost 700,000 stars on GitHub, which makes it one of the most popular PHP frameworks.
  • Laravel framework is downloaded more than 10 million times per month.
  • There are over 1 million active users of the Laravel framework.
  • Most companies of all sizes, including Guardian, Taylor Swift, and Spotify, use it.

Let’s check out its features in the next section so you can understand why it is best.

Key Features That Make Laravel Unique

With the following features, Laravel provides an extraordinary development experience that increases scalability and productivity.

1) Highly Compatible With Databases

Laravel works perfectly with various databases, like SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite, Postgere, etc. Whenever any updates and queries are in the database, they can be done without much effort.

2) Quick Job Processing

One of the most special features of this framework is that it processes slow background jobs quickly, such as email sending and report generation. Laravel has a robust queue system that makes this framework promising for the quickest job processing.

3) Impressive User Experience

The main objective of any business is to offer the best user experience, and the Laravel framework is perfect for it. This framework comes with WebSocket ability, which is best suited for real-time Laravel web application development.

4) Authentication

This framework offers a solid base for secure authentication for APIs and mobile applications. The framework offers robust security features to protect web application development against SQL injection, XSS, and CSRF. Its built-in security features give developers peace of mind. That’s why it is a secure choice for developing web applications. Contact us today if you are looking for a Laravel development company that follows Laravel security essentials.

Reasons Why Laravel Is The Best Framework

If you are wondering why Laravel is the best framework, read on to get its answer.

1) Open Source PHP Framework

Laravel is an open-source PHP framework. Let us understand what open source means. Open source means anyone who wants to use it can use this framework ( startup, individual, or large enterprise). This framework can be used to create complex and large web applications or websites.

2) Regular Updates

Laravel framework is open-source, but developers don’t need a license to use it. The best part is that it gets regular updates through its customized modules and abilities.

3) MVC Architecture

Laravel follows an MVC architectural pattern, encouraging developers to write structured code. This Model View Controller ensures flexibility, performance, and high scalability. The MVC architecture allows the smooth running of web applications and websites.

4) Easy To Understand Syntax & Developer-Friendly Approach

Laravel framework is an elegant, simple, and easy-to-understand syntax. So developers can write readable and efficient codes for Laravel application development. The framework is beginner-friendly and helps developers in increasing their productivity. Its artisan command-line interface easily automates repetitive tasks.

5) Robust Libraries

Laravel has robust libraries compared to other frameworks, which enable Laravel developers to build professional websites for enterprises. As the library offers a variety of functions, developers can easily build websites and applications. Laravel’s library offers pre-built codes and functions. One of the best library examples is Eloquent, an object-relational mapping tool that allows quicker processing.

6) Blade Template Engine

It is the pre-installed templating engine, which is lightweight, powerful, and simplifies the dynamic webpage creation. Blade comes with intuitive syntax, which provides impressive performance. Therefore, it is the most preferred choice for developing high-performance web apps.

7) Various Web Apps Development

Using the Laravel framework, you can develop various types of applications, including on-demand eCommerce web applications, finance and banking, travel and tourism, healthcare and education, media and entertainment, etc. The Laravel framework is perfect for speed, customization, and scalability, making it the preferred choice for various Laravel web application development.

8) Community Support

Another feature that makes the Laravel framework best for app and website development is its vast community support. This community has more than 53K members globally, and its number is still increasing. The community portal of Laravel is known as Interestingly, big players like Forge,, Beyondcode, etc. play a major role in strengthening the community.

9) Testing

Laravel has its own testing tool, widely known as Laravel Dusk. Selenium is also a compatible tool for testing Laravel framework-based applications. The robust testing and debugging tools ease the development process. The framework offers a testing suite that provides built-in support for various types of testing, such as integration testing, unit testing, and acceptance testing.

Laravel has an error handling and logging system. Therefore, developers can easily find out and solve the issues. It improves the overall stability and quality of web applications.

10) Highly Compatible With Advanced Technologies

Laravel framework can be easily integrated with modern technologies such as APIs, cloud services, and mobile applications. Due to this high compatibility feature, Laravel developers can build websites and apps that perfectly align with cutting-edge technology trends. It ensures that the application or website remains future-proof.

Concluding Remarks

In a nutshell, Laravel is the perfect backend framework for web development projects – big or small. Choosing Laravel application development offers various features that benefit businesses. Laravel is a reliable and stable framework. It comes with built-in security and authentication tools so that you can complete your project on time without any glitches by choosing it.

So, if you want to experience peace of mind and search for the best Laravel website development company, contact us today. We offer custom web development services for startups, mid-sized businesses, and enterprises. So, you can experience cost-effectiveness, scalability, consumer engagement, and robustness with your tailored Laravel web application development.

Laravel Security Essentials: Leveraging the Built-in Features of Laravel

Security of your web applications is paramount and PHP-based Laravel offers a robust set of built-in security features. Known for its elegant syntax and developer-friendly features, Laravel helps developers protect their applications from common security threats.

The said PHP framework has gained popularity among developers for its simplicity and extensive feature set. As per the Laravel usage statistics provided by BuiltWith, the framework has significantly grown in the last decade.


The Laravel security features are designed to protect your application from known vulnerabilities. In this article, we’ll explore the essential features of Laravel and how you can leverage them to enhance the security of your web applications.

8 Built-In Laravel Security Features to Keep in Mind

Let’s take a look at some features of Laravel for secure custom web development:

1) Password Hashing

Laravel has a native hash mechanism and is implemented using Bcrypt and Argon2, which further has two variants Argon2i and Argon2id. Bcrypt is a popular and secure algorithm for password hashing. Whenever a new user registers or updates their password, it’ll hash them before storing them in the database.

Hashing is a one-way process, meaning that once a password is hashed, it cannot be reversed to obtain the original password. This ensures that even if the database is compromised, the passwords in it remain secure.

Additionally, Laravel uses a technique called “salt” to enhance the security of hashed passwords. Salt is a random value that is added to the password before hashing, ensuring that even if two users have the same password, their hashed passwords will be different. This adds an extra layer of security against brute-force attacks.

2) Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Protection

Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks are another common security threat in web applications, where an attacker injects malicious scripts into a website to steal sensitive information or manipulate the content. Laravel provides built-in protection against XSS attacks through its Blade templating engine.

Blade automatically escapes output by default, ensuring that any user input rendered in your views is properly escaped to prevent XSS attacks. This means that you can safely output user input in your views without worrying about it being vulnerable to XSS attacks.

However, if you need to output unescaped content for some reason, Laravel provides the @verbatim directive, which allows you to output raw, unescaped content.

3) Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Protection

Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks are a common security threat in web applications, where an attacker tricks a user into unknowingly submitting a malicious request to a website. Laravel security features offer CSRF protection to prevent these types of attacks.

It works by generating a unique token for each user session and including it in all form submissions. When a form is submitted, Laravel checks the token to ensure that it matches the expected value, preventing CSRF attacks. Laravel’s CSRF protection is enabled by default, so you don’t need to do anything extra to protect your forms from CSRF attacks.

4) Authentication and Authorization

Laravel provides a simple and secure way to implement authentication in your web application design and development. It includes a built-in authentication system to easily manage user authentication, including registration, login, and password reset functionalities.

Laravel’s authentication system is built on top of the Illuminate\Auth\Authenticatable trait, which provides methods for handling user authentication.

In addition to authentication, Laravel also provides robust authorization features to define access controls for different parts of your application. This authorization feature of Laravel is based on gates and policies, which allow you to define fine-grained access controls based on user roles and permissions.

5) Cookies Protection

Laravel protects against various attacks targeting cookies, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). Laravel encrypts the cookies by default using AES-256 encryption, ensuring that sensitive information stored in cookies is secure.

Additionally, Laravel provides a configuration option to enable the ‘http_only’ flag on cookies, which prevents cookies from being accessed by JavaScript, further enhancing security.

6) Encryption

Laravel offers a simple and secure way to encrypt and decrypt data using the Encrypter class. This class utilizes the OpenSSL library to encrypt data using a secure AES-256 and AES-128 encryption algorithm.

This Laravel security feature is commonly used to encrypt sensitive data such as passwords and API tokens before storing them in the database. It ensures that this information is not exposed in case of a data breach.

7) SQL Injection Prevention

SQL injection attacks are a serious security threat in web applications, where an attacker injects malicious SQL code into a database query to manipulate the database or access sensitive information. Laravel has built-in protection against such attacks where it uses query builder and Eloquent ORM.

They automatically sanitize input to prevent SQL injection attacks, ensuring that any user input used in database queries is properly escaped. This means that you can safely use user input in your database queries without worrying about it being vulnerable to SQL injection attacks.

8) Session Management

Laravel provides a robust session management system that allows developers to store session data securely. Laravel stores session data in encrypted cookies by default, ensuring that sensitive information stored in sessions is protected.

Additionally, Laravel allows developers to choose between storing session data in the database, files, or other storage mechanisms based on their requirements. This flexibility ensures that session data is stored securely and efficiently.

Laravel Security Best Practices

Apart from the above features of Laravel for enhancing the security of your web application, here are some Laravel security best practices that you should follow:

  • Validate User Input: Always validate user input to prevent malicious data from being processed by your application. Laravel provides a powerful validation system that allows you to define rules for validating user input. 
  • Use Authentication and Authorization: Use Laravel’s built-in authentication and authorization features to control access to different parts of your application. Ensure that only authenticated users have access to sensitive areas of your application.
  • Protect Against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF): Use Laravel’s CSRF protection features to protect your application from CSRF attacks. Laravel automatically generates and validates CSRF tokens for all forms and AJAX requests.
  • Use HTTPS: Another Laravel security best practice for web development is to always use HTTPS to encrypt data transmitted between the client and server. This helps protect sensitive information from being intercepted by attackers.
  • Secure Configuration: Store sensitive configuration values such as database credentials and API keys in environment variables or encrypted files. Avoid hardcoding sensitive information in your application code.
  • Escape Output: Use Laravel’s Blade templating engine to escape output to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. Blade automatically escapes output by default, but you can use the @verbatim directive to output raw, unescaped content when necessary.
  • Use Secure Password Hashing: Use Laravel’s Bcrypt hashing algorithm to securely hash user passwords before storing them in the database. This ensures that even if the database is compromised, user passwords remain secure.
  • Regularly Update Dependencies: Keep your Laravel framework and its dependencies up to date to protect against known vulnerabilities. Laravel releases regular updates and security patches, so make sure to update your application accordingly.
  • Limit Access to Sensitive Information: Limit access to sensitive information and functionality in your application. Use Laravel’s authorization features to define access controls based on user roles and permissions.
  • Monitor and Log Security Events: Monitor your application for security events and log them for analysis. Laravel provides logging features that allow you to log security-related events such as failed login attempts or unauthorized access attempts.

Increase Laravel Security with Pranshtech Experts

We hope that you’ve gained some insights from the features of Laravel available to boost its security levels. These features make Laravel one of the most popular PHP frameworks for developers to craft stunning and secure web applications.

Implementing these security measures requires expertise and attention to detail. That’s where Pranshtech experts come in. With our in-depth knowledge of Laravel and experience in web application security, Pranshtech experts can help you enhance the security of your Laravel application and protect it from potential vulnerabilities.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Increase your Laravel security with Pranshtech experts and ensure that your application is protected against security threats. Contact us today to learn more about our Laravel web development and security services.