Mobile App Development Process: A Comprehensive Guide

Today, smartphones have become a significant part of every business, household, and individual, regardless of business type and geography. That’s why even traditional brands have accepted that engaging with their existing customers and target audiences on their smartphones or tablets is quite an effective way. It lets them attract consumers, build the brand image, and encourage them to purchase. However, each company needs to implement an efficient mobile app development process for it.

Now, you must be wondering why.

It is because Successful mobile app development = increased ROI

For example, top mobile apps like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc., are the result of the implementation of the proper mobile app development process steps.

If you are still confused about whether you should opt for mobile app development, check these facts.

As per the study, by the end of 2026, mobile apps are expected to generate $233 billion in revenue. Study shows by 2027, customers are projected to spend approximately $125 billion on buying mobile apps from the app stores.

Google user Count

(Image Source:

Still not convinced?

Picture this: Imagine your business as a shop. People can walk into your shop and buy products. However, what if they have to travel a long way to visit your shop? Do you think you will be able to generate good revenue? Of course not!

Now, if you have a mobile app, your store will be open 24*7. People can explore and buy products anytime, anywhere. It’s like you have a tiny shop in everyone’s pocket.

So, if you want to enjoy increased ROI, reach a wider audience, and build brand loyalty, follow these steps to build an app.

Steps To Create An App

Here is the step-by-step process to build an app.

Step 1: Idea & Planning

First, you need to come up with the idea. Think about why you want to develop an app. Is it worth spending time, money, and effort on mobile app development? Here are a few things you need to remember during the iOS or Android app development process.

  • Think About the App’s Objective: Ask yourself these questions. Why do you want to create an app? Does your idea resonate with your prospects/ target audiences’ needs?
  • Your Target Audience: Understand who your target audience is.
  • What is the USP of an app?: You must have a clear idea of the unique features of your app. Have a clear idea of which feature makes your app special? What will help you stand out from the crowd in the market?
  • Do Competitor Analysis: Do in-depth competitor analysis. Who are your competitors? Do they have the same app? Will your app resolve the issues customers face? Will your app
  • Mobile App Investment & Promotion: Remember you need to invest significant time, money, and effort in the mobile app development process. Are you ready for it? Do you have a tight budget? Which promotional strategies will you implement to attract new clients? Once you have answers to these questions, move on to the second step.

Step 2: Market Research & Planning

Researching and planning are important steps to turn your idea into a live app. It will help you understand the real need for your product. Here is how you can do it.

  • First, Understand Your Consumers & Set Goals: You need to find out your expectations and goals and what your customers want. Identify and set your goals accordingly.
  • Ask Questions To People: Keep a list of questions ready and ask the people who are using your app. Take their feedback and keep an eye on what your competitors are doing.
  • Keep Your Survey Informative: Include all required information in your survey.

In-depth market research will help you understand your ideal customers and their needs, identify business chances and your competitors’ actions, and check the product before the final release.

Once the plan is ready, you can select the app name, domain, type of app you want to build, etc. Now that you have these answers divide the work into smaller parts.

Step 3: UI/UX Design

Do you know the important factors that decide the success of your mobile app? It is how much people love your app and which features they mostly use. The main objective of UI UX design is to build a user-friendly and highly interactive mobile app. Here are the things that you need to consider during this phase.

  • Wireframes: It is a blueprint of your app that shows how your app will work and what are quick and pocket-friendly ways to plan how your mobile app will look.
  • Style Guides: In this, you need to include information like how your app will look, such as the colour, images, fonts, your firm’s branding rules, etc. This style guide helps ensure the mobile app has a similar look and feel everywhere.
  • Mockups: Creating mockups will help your design and engineering teams seamlessly work together. You can use tools like Adobe XD, Invision, and Figma for that.
  • Prototype: Don’t underestimate it. It will help you understand how your app will work once it is finished. Of course, prototype development is a lengthy process, but it will help test your app’s functionalities and design.

Step 4: Application Development

It is an important stage in the application development process. During this phase, you need to decide which frontend and backend technology to use, how your app will work, etc. The following three stages play a crucial role in this mobile app development.

  • Frontend Development: It is the part of the application that is being used by the user. This stage decides the app’s look and feel. The user will use the app, and whether it will work properly depends on the technologies used in the app development. Ensure to use the technology that makes the user experience and communication smooth.
  • Backend Development: This part of the app will work behind the scenes, and it is vital. It ensures that everything works properly and your app responds to the actions perfectly.
  • API Integration & Database Management: It will decide how fast your app will work. Choose the API integration properly so data movement from the front end to the back end works properly.

Step 5: QA Testing

QA Testing is one of the crucial parts of the mobile app development process. During this phase, you must cautiously check the app to identify any big problems. This is the last phase in which you can find and fix any mistakes. So, before the app’s final release, the app must go through the following stages of testing.

  • Documentation testing
  • Functional testing
  • Usability testing
  • UI testing
  • Compatibility testing
  • Security testing
  • Certification testing
  • Performance testing

Various tools, such as Appium Kobiton, Play Console, Test IO, etc., are used for mobile app testing.

Step 6: It’s Time To Deploy

First, release the beta version of the app. It will make your app popular. Users will use it and give you feedback. Based on the feedback, you can improve the app. Then, again, please test it and release the final version in the Google Play Store or App Store.

Don’t forget to optimize the app based on the specific app store’s guidelines before it goes live. Here are the things you need to check before releasing the app’s final version.

  • Category of the app
  • Name and description of the mobile app
  • Features with proper explanation
  • Screenshots of the app
  • Icon
  • SEO-friendly keywords & phrases

Step 7: Continuous Feedback, Support, & Maintenance

It is the last step of the application development process. In this step, users provide continuous feedback. Based on it, you can make improvements. You must provide support and listen to your users’ feedback during this time. It will help you to make your app more successful.

Let’s Begin Your Mobile App Development Process

Hopefully, by reading this blog, you have understood the complete mobile application development process. Remember, the success of your mobile application highly depends on how effectively you have applied steps to create an app.

Mobile app development might seem like a lengthy process. However, employing the right mobile app development trends and tools can make the process easier for you.

If you are wondering how Pranshtech can transform your app ideas into functional reality, we are just one call away. We are a trusted mobile app development company that will help your business thrive digitally.

We are armed with skilled and seasoned app developers who understand the importance of thoroughly following the mobile app development process. Our team has in-depth knowledge of developing an interactive and user-friendly app that can boost your business ROI. So, whether you want to build an Android or iOS app, feel free to contact us today.

Top Trends Shaping the Future of On-Demand Mobile App Development

Imagine this: You get everything you need daily without leaving your couch in the pyjamas and comfort of your home! Doesn’t it sound amazing? Like you, people also love things they can get easily and conveniently. Here is where on-demand mobile app development comes into the picture.

The IT sector is booming, and these on-demand apps are gaining popularity worldwide. These apps provide convenient and quick solutions across various industries. Therefore, consider on-demand space if you plan to launch your successful startup.

We live in the 21st century, where it is impossible to imagine life without a smartphone. Sounds unbelievable! Let’s look at these numbers – In 2022, there were nearly 6.4 billion global users of smartphones, and the expectation is that by the end of 2028, this number will exceed 7.7 billion.

As more and more people use smartphones in the coming years, there are enormous opportunities for on-demand mobile app development businesses.

Still not convienced?
Let’s simplify the on-demand business information.

Why should you invest in the on-demand app?

The on-demand app market is projected to cross $1 trillion by the end of 2024. As per the report, more than 50% of users rely on and actively use on-demand apps. As of 2022, the revenue of the on-demand app was $318 billion, projected to reach $613 billion by the end of 2025. Even the on-demand home service market is expected to reach $7.70 billion by the end of 2027.

These stats show that people love on-demand apps. It is because they are user-friendly, easy to use, and not so expensive. As the on-demand space is constantly gaining traction and popularity, this blog is for you if you plan to jump into the on-demand mobile app development business. In this blog, we have curated a list of a few on-demand startup app ideas you can consider.

However, before diving into these ideas, let us first understand what on-demand apps are.

What is the on-demand app?

On-demand apps are like a magic button on the smartphone. These apps let us get various services/things easily and quickly. Using this app, people who need some service/thing can connect with the provider of that service/thing without any hassle. These apps are just like a smooth and efficient marketplace.

The best thing about this app is that it can connect people who need a specific service/product to the people who are offering that service/product right now. It will not only help businesses but also make it super easy for people to get what they want right away. At Pranshtech Solutions, we offer on-demand mobile app development services that suit your needs and budget.

Trending On-Demand App Ideas That Can Help You Launch a Profitable Startup in 2024

  • On-demand E-learning App
    The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the way the education system works. You can see the shift from offline schooling to online learning. Now, to learn something, having a personal tutor or a teacher is not necessary. On-demand e-learning apps have made education easily accessible.

    Besides, it has also created a high demand in the market. So, creating an on-demand e-learning app is your best decision. Some popular e-learning apps available in the market are Udemy, Byju’s, Khan Academy, etc. If you are planning to create such an app, don’t forget to include features like video calls, tutoring videos, and complete information about tutors.
  • Resume Updater App
    There are various tools and apps available for editing in the market. However, creating an on-demand resume updater app is one of the best startup ideas. Many times in our lives, we get stuck, and we need to update our CV and send it to HR, but due to the inaccessibility of the PC, we cannot do it.

    If you also have faced such a situation, why don’t you try to create a feature-rich resume updater app? And do you know what is the best thing about it? Still, many developers have not explored this area, so there is room for growth. So, don’t think much and try this idea.
  • On-demand Transporation App
    You must have experience that finding a vehicle is not easy when you want to travel from one site to another. If you want to solve this issue, you can develop an on-demand transportation app. This app aims to keep drivers and consumers closer. So, customers do not have to stand in the queue to book a cab.

    Of course, there are many big players in the market, like Via, BlaBla Car, LYFT, Uber, etc. However, from a business perspective, you can develop on-demand apps such as e-scooters, bus booking apps, bicycle apps, and online taxi booking services. You can hire an experienced on-demand mobile app development company for it.
  • Latest Nearby Events’ Information App
    Whenever you travel somewhere, you wonder what thrilling local events are happening that night. From where can I find it? Just like you, many people experience this situation. So, why don’t you convert this issue into a lucrative business opportunity?

    You can develop an on-demand app that offers details regarding local events. You can contact local clubs, restaurants, and bars. After that, ask them to give you daily updates about the events happening at their place. It will be a win-win situation for both of you. They experience foot traffic, and in return, you can charge them.
  • On-demand Beauty Service App
    Nowadays, everyone prefers to get services/products without stepping out from the comfort of their home. Beauty service is no exception to this.

    As per the study, women spend approximately $3756 per year on beauty services. Don’t you think it is a huge amount? If you are already in the beauty salon business, add an on-demand beauty service app and enjoy massive profit.

    Hiring a skilled and seasoned on-demand mobile app development company like Pranshtech Solutions can help you build a profitable on-demand beauty solution business. They design visually appealing apps through their top-notch UI UX design services while following strict QA and software testing practices that will drive growth and increase the conversion rate.
  • On-demand Doctor App
    After the pandemic, we can see the sudden shift in how the healthcare sector works. Now, more and more people prefer to have an online consultation with a doctor.

    By developing an on-demand doctor app, you can help users find doctors and schedule online consultations with them.

    This sector is in high demand, so consider it if you are looking for an excellent idea for launching your profitable startup.
  • House Cleaning App
    For working professionals and older adults, doing household tasks such as cleaning, laundry, washing dishes are quite challenging. Developing an on-demand house cleaning app can be really helpful for them. They can easily find someone to help them and get these jobs done.

    So, what are you waiting for? Consider hiring professionals to develop an on-demand house-cleaning app and enjoy the money-making startup.

Let’s bring your on-demand app ideas into reality!

With each passing day, cutting-edge technologies are emerging, and new on-demand mobile app development ideas are popping up. So, the sky is the limit. The ideas we shared in this blog are just the tip of the iceberg. What matters is how well you execute these ideas and bring life to it.

Today is the right time for you to start an on-demand app business. So, take advantage of its popularity and start creating a user-friendly and attractive app for your business. It will help you set up your business in the fast-changing market.

At Pranshtech Solutions, we offer mobile app development services for e-commerce. We breed a skilled and seasoned team of e-commerce experts who can be your helping hand each step of the way. Whether you need guidance on refining your app idea or help with bringing life to your idea, we are just one call away!

Emerging Mobile App Development Trends for 2024 and Beyond

Mobile applications have become ubiquitous today, as most adults in the USA spend more than 4 hours with mobile internet, while mobile apps account for 88% of that time. Having a mobile app for your business is not a luxury but a necessity.

As we approach 2024, mobile apps will have more prominence and hold a significant market share that influences user experience. 2024 will bring several trends with it that are poised to reshape the landscape of mobile applications.

In this article, I’ll share top mobile app technology trends that will go beyond 2024. But before we get into these emerging mobile app development trends of 2024, let’s take a peek at the mobile app market:

Mobile App Market: An Overview

According to a report by Grand View Research, the global mobile app market was estimated at $206.85 billion in 2022. Further, the report said that it’s expected to grow at 13.8% CAGR from 2023 to 2030 and reach $567.19 billion by 2030.

This unprecedented growth is accrued due to the high demand for mobile apps for gaming, health & fitness, social networking, eCommerce & retail, music & entertainment, and other purposes.

The current mobile app market shines with diverse technologies and frameworks such as React Native, Flutter, Swift, Kotlin, Java, and others. These platforms offer advanced technologies that allow mobile app development companies to develop highly functional mobile applications.

5 Key Mobile App Trends of 2024

1. AI and Machine Learning Integration:

The first mobile application trend on our list is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). AI and ML have been at the forefront of technological innovation, and their integration into mobile app development continues to expand.

In 2024, we anticipate a surge in AI-powered mobile applications that offer personalized user experiences, predictive analytics, and enhanced automation. From virtual assistants to advanced chatbots, AI is set to revolutionize how users interact with mobile applications.

2. Minimalism and Neomorphism

Minimalism has extended beyond its origins in home interiors and fashion, establishing a significant influence on the aesthetics of mobile apps. The allure of uncluttered and sleek interfaces is widely recognized, contributing to a polished and user-friendly impression. The straightforwardness inherent in minimalist designs facilitates easy navigation, ensuring a positive initial interaction with the application.

Taking minimalism to a higher echelon, the incorporation of neomorphism has garnered popularity among UI/UX developers. This design trend introduces a touch of realism into flat, 2D interfaces, crafting an immersive visual experience.

Neomorphic elements, such as buttons, replicate their real-world counterparts by realistically protruding from the screen. This dynamic amalgamation of neomorphism and minimalism not only adheres to the principles of simplicity but also introduces a lifelike dimension to the digital realm.

3. 5G Technology

With the widespread deployment of 5G networks, mobile app developers are presented with new opportunities and challenges. The increased speed and reduced latency of 5G will enable the development of bandwidth-intensive applications, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences.

Developers need to optimize their apps to leverage the full potential of 5G connectivity, providing users with seamless and immersive experiences. The current market is already saturated with devices featuring 5G capabilities, and forecasts indicate that approximately 62% of all devices shipped this year were 5G compatible.

4. Increase in Super Apps Development

The next mobile app development trend for 2024 is an increase in the development of “Super Apps.” The idea of “super apps” is gaining momentum as developers strive to provide users with a one-stop platform that meets their various needs.

These apps seamlessly combine a diverse array of services and features, encompassing e-commerce, social networking, messaging, gaming, entertainment, and payments. Prominent instances of super apps include WeChat, Grab, and Gojek.

In 2024, an upswing in the prevalence of super apps is anticipated, given their unparalleled convenience and efficiency, addressing the multifaceted preferences of contemporary users.

5. Voice User Interfaces (VUIs)

The emergence of Voice User Interfaces (VUIs) in 2024 represents a significant transformation in our approach to interacting with technology. While Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa have provided a glimpse into the potential of voice-activated technologies, VUIs are positioned to become the focal point.

It’ll introduce an era characterized by conversation-based interactions. The ramifications of VUIs go beyond mere convenience. This technology is poised to redefine our engagement with the digital realm, enhancing the intuitiveness and user-friendliness of interactions.

Users will no longer rely on tapping, typing, or swiping; instead, they will engage with technology in a manner that mirrors natural conversations with friends.

Wrapping Up

The year 2024 holds immense promise for the mobile app development industry, with a host of emerging trends poised to redefine user experiences and reshape business landscapes. By staying abreast of these trends and embracing innovative approaches, mobile app developers can position themselves at the forefront of this dynamic and ever-evolving field.

At Pranshtech Solutions, we’re dedicated to embracing these innovations to deliver cutting-edge solutions to our clients. It’s clear that the future of mobile app development is bright and filled with opportunities for those ready to embrace the next wave of innovation.

Contact us today and let our expert mobile app developers turn your vision into a cutting-edge mobile application. Your success in the digital landscape awaits!